
                                                             "Stop and Show Pass"  

I hope everyone is staying safe.  With the start of classroom instruction on Monday, January 24th, traffic will increase on our campus.  In order to ensure a seamless transition, Campus Police has adopted a "Stop and Show Pass" campaign.  When you stop at the checkpoint for your temperature check and confirmation of mask being worn, the monitor on duty will issue you a "Stop and Show Pass" for the day.  Please display this pass on the center of your vehicle's dashboard so it may be clearly seen.  If you leave campus and return later that day, stop and show the monitor on duty your pass and he/she will wave you through.  

A second checkpoint will be an Express Gate and will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday.  This checkpoint will be in front of the gym, and you can also use to exit the campus.  This is the Express Gate and the monitor working this checkpoint will not have mask to issue.  If you need a mask, go through the checkpoint located at shipping and receiving. If you have any questions or concerns contact our campus police office at (334) 876-9227.

Best Regards,      

Charles J. Dysart II

Chief Charles J. Dysart II
Director of Public Safety  



Dial 9227