Academic Requirements for Federal Financial Aid

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) will be measured each term according to the guidelines published by the U. S. Department of Education. Students are required under federal regulations to maintain certain standards of progress depending on the number of hours they have attempted in college. It is the student’s responsibility to read and understand all policies associated with financial aid funding.

Students should regularly check his/her MYWALLACESELMA account for the latest information regarding his/her account. Financial Aid Status can be found under the financial aid tab. After accessing the financial aid tab, click financial status to view any warnings or suspension of financial aid.

Financial Aid Warning
If a student fails to achieve the required cumulative GPA or does not successfully complete the required percentage of overall hours, he/she will be placed on financial aid warning. Students on warning will be allowed to receive aid and will be notified of their warning status within the MYWALLACESELMA account. Warning will be lifted in the subsequent term if the student attains the required cumulative GPA and/or successfully completes the required percentage of hours at the end of the warning semester.

Financial Aid Suspension
If a student does not have the required GPA and completion rate after his/her warning semester or if the student fails to follow the Plan he/she will be suspended from federal financial aid. If placed on academic suspension, a student is NOT eligible to receive financial aid for the duration of suspension, even if he/she is readmitted to the College upon academic appeal. The student may regain eligibility for financial aid when the overall satisfactory academic progress requirements are obtained.

Minimum Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress

1. To be eligible for Title IV Federal Financial Aid, students must meet the standards of progress applicable to all students at the institution.

2. Students must maintain the following Grade Point Average requirements:
Degree/Certificate seeking students…

  • If the student has attempted 0-21 hours, a 1.5 GPA must be maintained.
  • If the student has attempted 22-32 hours, a 1.75 GPA must be maintained.
  • If the student has attempted 33 + hours, a 2.0 GPA must be maintained.

Short Certificate seeking students…

  • If the student has attempted 0-13 hours, a 1.5 GPA must be maintained.
  • If the student has attempted 13+ hours, a 2.0 GPA must be maintained.

3. Students must maintain the following 2/3 Completion Rate requirements:
Degree/Certificate seeking students…

  • If the student has attempted 0-21 hours, a 58% completion rate must be maintained.
  • If the student has attempted 22-32 hours, a 62% completion rate must be maintained.
  • If the student has attempted 33 + hours, a 67% completion rate must be maintained.

Short Certificate seeking students…

  • If the student has attempted 0-13 hours, a 58% completion rate must be maintained.
  • If the student has attempted 13 + hours, a 67% completion rate must be maintained.•

4. Complete a program of study within 1.5 times the normal length of the program 1.5 or 150%.
Note: The institution will not include credits that do not count toward your current program.

5. Transfer/Re-Admit Students: All transfer and re-admit students to the College must meet the minimum grade-point standards indicated above in order to be eligible for financial aid. Students who do not meet these standards will be ineligible to receive Title IV funds at the College. After the Director of Admissions and Records completes the evaluation of these transcripts, transfer credits that apply to the student’s major at the College will be included in the hours attempted and hours earned for future Satisfactory Academic Progress evaluations. However, transfer students’ GPAs are not included in the Satisfactory Academic Progress evaluations.

6. Repeating Courses: A student receiving a Federal Pell Grant may repeat courses not successfully completed however, all hours will be included in the satisfactory academic progress calculations. Students may repeat successfully completed courses one additional time.

7. Developmental Courses: A student may receive financial aid for up to 30 attempted developmental credit hours. If this number is exceeded, financial aid cannot cover any additional developmental classes. Developmental courses count in the completion rate calculation for academic progress.

8. Audit Courses: Audited courses are not considered credits attempted or earned and students cannot receive financial aid for these courses.

9. Withdrawal: A grade of “W” is assigned to a student who officially withdraws or is unofficially withdrawn from the College or from a course prior to 60 percent of the term being completed. This specified date is included in the Student Calendar for each term. It is the responsibility of the student to become familiar with the dates in the Student Calendar in order to know the exact withdrawal dates. A student who is officially withdrawn or is unofficially withdrawn from the College after 60 percent of the semester has been completed will receive the grades that he/she has earned at that time of withdrawal. A grade of “W” earns zero quality points and, for financial aid purposes, is counted in hours attempted by the student. Students who withdraw from classes after receiving Title IV aid face the possibility of being placed on either Financial Aid Warning or Financial Aid Suspension. Additionally, financial aid recipients who completely withdraw are subject to the Federal Return of Title IV Funds Policy (R2T4). This Policy may require Title IV recipients who completely withdraw from all classes before completing 60% of either the semester or the term to repay a portion of any grant funds received to the Title IV Programs.

10. I – Incomplete: With the permission of the Dean of Instruction, a grade of Incomplete (“I”) may be assigned when a student’s work in a course is incomplete because of circumstances beyond the student’s control, but is otherwise of passing quality. An Incomplete (“I”) grade does not count toward course work completed and is not counted as course work attempted. Therefore, the Incomplete (“I”) grade does not negatively impact on the incremental measurement of progress. Although the Incomplete (“I”) grade is NOT counted in hours earned or attempted, the grade that replaces the “I” is counted in both hours earned and attempted, once the “I” is removed. An “I” grade is intended to be only an interim course grade. Unless the deficiency is made up within the following semester, the “I” automatically becomes an “F” when grades are processed at the end of the next semester. At the time that final grades are entered each semester, an Incomplete Grade Contract form must be signed by the student, instructor, division chair and the Dean of Instruction and submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records.

Appeal Process for Mitigating Circumstances

A student who fails to meet satisfactory academic progress requirements may submit a written appeal to the Financial Aid Appeals Committee. The student may appeal that result on the basis of: his injury or illness, the death of a relative, or other special circumstances. The appeal must explain why the student failed to make satisfactory progress and what has changed in the student’s situation that will allow the student to make satisfactory progress at the next evaluation. The student may file an appeal at Wallace Community College Selma by submitting a Financial Aid Appeal Form to the Financial Aid Office. Appeal request forms are available online. Appeals may be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid up until approximately one week prior to the term of planned attendance. If an appeal is approved, the student will be placed on Financial Aid Probation or Plan. The student will be notified by phone or in writing of the Financial Aid Appeals Committee’s decision. If the appeal is denied, the student has the right to appeal the Committee’s decision to the Dean of Students in writing. The President has the final authority to accept, reject, or modify the decision of the Committee. Appeals for academic reinstatement granted by other departments do not constitute reinstatement of financial aid eligibility.

1. An appeal letter stating mitigating circumstances.
2. Documentation of mitigating circumstances.

This written appeal should explain reasons for noncompliance with the Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards.  The packet should include an academic plan of study developed with an advisor for bringing her/his grades into compliance with the policy, and steps that will be taken to prevent a re-occurrence of failure to meet SAP. If an appeal is approved, the student will be placed on Financial Aid Probation and awarded financial assistance for this period. 

Students’ Rights and Responsibilities
Students have the responsibility of knowing the requirements for applying for financial aid, college refund and repayment policies, procedures relative to guidelines affecting a financial aid award, and procedures relative to disbursement of financial aid. Students also have the right to obtain information about financial assistance programs available at the College. Please email the financial aid office at if you have any questions.

• Students have the right to obtain information about financial assistance programs available at the College.
• Students have the right to discuss financial aid decisions with personnel in the Office of Student Financial Aid.
• Students have the right to appeal financial aid decisions.
• Students receiving financial aid are responsible for registering only for courses that are in their degree plan.
• Students are responsible for following application and/or reapplication procedures.
• Students are responsible for informing the Office of Financial Aid of any change in their enrollment status.
• Students are responsible for understanding the Federal Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.