Dual Enrollment
Student Admission



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Academic Dual Enrollment


Dual Enrollment allows high school students to get a jump start on their college career. Students are afforded the opportunity to earn college credit while earning a high school diploma. Dual Enrollment provide students the ability to adjust to the college environment and course expectations before becoming a full-time college student. College credit will be awarded immediately upon successful completion of the course. 

Eligibility requirement for dual enrollment:

•   Must be in the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade
•   For academic dual enrollment, students must have an unweighted 2.5 G.P.A.
•   For technical dual enrollment, students must have at least an unweighted 2.0 G.P.A.
•   Meet the entrance requirements established by participating Alabama Community College Systems (ACCS)


Steps to complete the registration and admissions process are included below with corresponding links to the website.

  1. 1

    Submit a WCCS Online Application.

    All prospective dual enrollment students must complete an Admissions Application. If you have never created a user account, please select the  "First-time user account creation" link.

  2. 2

    Complete a Dual Enrollment Permission Forms

    After completing online application. All students enrolling in the Dual Enrollment Program must complete. 
    Eligibility for Dual Enrollment form

  3. 3

    Purchase Your Book

    For books, please click here: Patriots Backpack Program

  4. 4

    Continuous Eligibility Appeal Process

    Wallace Community College Selma/Demopolis Continuous Eligibility Appeal Process.

For information concerning Dual Enrollment offered at Wallace Selma please contact:

Academic Dual Enrollment

Kateri Lee
(334) 876-9283

To apply for Dual Enrollment or see our statement of eligibility for WCCS dual
enrollment, use the buttons below:

Technical/ECEP Dual Enrollment

What is dual enrollment and how would it help me?

Dual enrollment can help a student accelerate his or her educational goals, eliminate duplication between high school and college course content and increase the rigor and challenge of course offerings while in high school.
Dual enrollment enables high school students to simultaneously earn both high school and college credits for a single course.

Where are the courses offered?

The courses are offered at the College campus online and in various high schools. High school courses are only available to students who are enrolled at the high school.

What kind of courses are available?

Students can take academic college-level courses and/or career and technical courses. Depending on educational and career goals, students can earn college credits that are transferable to any public college or university within the state of Alabama and to most other public and private schools.

What does dual enrollment cost?

Tuition and academic fees for high school dual enrollment students is $138.00 per credit hour plus cost of books.

What are the eligibility requirements?

  • Students must attend a high school covered by an articulation agreement with Wallace Community College in Selma.
  • A student must be 10th, 11th and 12th grade with a 2.5 cumulative GPA,  must take a placement test for English and Math and turn in all the requested paperwork.

For information concerning Dual Enrollment offered at Wallace Selma please contact:

Technical Dual Enrollment